How To Use Google Verified Calls – What Is Google Verifified Calls

How To Use Google Verified Calls – What Is Google Verifified Calls

Recently Google has launched a feature called Verified Calls which is included in the Google Phone App itself.

This feature will make you identify the Caller ID and will also give a direct competition to the Truecaller.

What is Google Verified Calls?

Video Credit: Technical Therapist

As you all know how many days there are no frauds, someone frauds with the name of Paytm, then someone frauds with the name of the bank,

people who do not know much, they quickly believe that it Fraud is speaking from our bank or those with Paytm, and they give their personal details to them,

after which they empty their bank account. In view of this, Google has launched the Google Verified Calls feature.

What Is Special About Google Verified Calls?

How To Use Google Verified Calls

If any company will call you, then it will be verified by Google, number verified mark will also be seen on the caller screen.

Apart from this, you will also see on the screen what is the region of the caller like if a delivery boy calls near you, then food delivery will come on your screen,

if the call comes from the bank, and the region from which the bank calls The same region will appear on your screen, this means that before you receive the call,

you will know that the call you are making is the region from which there is no fraud.

SMS also verified

In this way, even if someone SMSes you in the name of a company, Google will also verify you that it is a fraudulent SMS or is actually a company.

For your information, let me tell you this feature is included in Google’s Phone App itself.

Will not verified Calls feature in every phone?

The Google Verified Calls feature is launched by Google for all Android users, but the problem is that the Google Phone App does not run on every Android smartphone.

The Google Phone App was launched specifically for Pixel Phone.

And Google Phone App is also found in those smartphones which run on Android Android Stock.

Rest if you run Redmi or Realme or any other smartphone in which Google Phone App does not support, then you cannot use Google Verified Calls feature in your by default Phone App.

How to Download Google Verified Calls App

It is not a matter of tension, you can install Google Phone App in any of your Android Smartphones, which is more than Android version 8/9.

For this, I have given a link, clicking on this link will directly go to the Play Store Click To Download.

Now here you will see your device written on your device isn`t compatible with this version, you ignore it and go downwards and there you will see Beta Program and you can join by clicking on Beta Program Join.

After that, back up, click on this link from back, and then you will see that the Google Phone App will be present in the Play Store to install.

Google Verified Calls App Download

Let me tell you that Google Phone App, Google has started launching for all Android users, but currently it is still in Beta version.

After you install Google Phone App, after that you set the Default App in your smartphone.

After that you can enjoy the full use of Google Verified Calls Feature. Anyone can call you, you can identify it, you can avoid getting fraud,

as well as you can find out from which region the company is calling you before receiving the call.

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